Setting Goals: Why take on this task?

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As of yesterday, I had my calendar set for what I want to accomplish by month (January through June), and my weekly and daily goals for January.  Yet I was uninterested in doing them.  This calendar, I realized, was a disappointment waiting to happen.

Last evening, I was writing some advice about learning languages, and I spent a good amount of time on the various reasons why one would want to learn a  language.  There are so many good ones, and I surely only came up with a small portion of them.  I suggested that these reasons be kept handy, for when one hits a roadblock along the way, one can pull out these great, inspiring reasons.

I, however, had not laid out my reasons for learning Farsi.  As a result, I hit a roadblock: uninteresting, uninspiring goals.  So I had to take a step back and refer to my own advice.  Here are the reasons I came up with, in the order they came to mind (though more are coming to mind even now–maybe I’ll bring them in later):

  • Talk to a Persian about my language and travel history, and hear and understand theirs;
  • Be able to get the gist of a Persian newspaper article;
  • Gain insight into events in Iran;
  • Test my ability to motivate myself and to develop and use concrete goals;
  • Test the power of blog community to help me reach my language goals;
  • Convey my love of learning languages;
  • Connect with Persians in my home town and/or start a group to do so;
  • Learn 600 words;
  • Work through Pimsleur IA (and IB if it’s good), for a total of 14 lessons;
  • Work through How to Speak, Read and Write Persian, for a total of 20 lessons;
  • Connect with speakers on Livemocha.

I want to be sure I meet my goals.  I realized, though, that some of these goals are easily measured and others are not.  So I divided them up accordingly:


  • Work through Pimsleur
  • Work through How to Speak . . .
  • Learn 600 words
  • Test my ability to motivate myself, and develop and use concrete goals


  • Talk to Persians
  • Get the gist of a newspaper article
  • Connect with Persians in my home town
  • Connect with people on Livemocha


  • Gain insight into events in Iran
  • Test the power of blog community to help me reach my language goals
  • Convey my love of learning languages

Now I know what to look out for in writing up a schedule.  I need to include some goals from each category because some of the less measurable reasons are the most meaningful to me.  I can get excited about talking to Persians and conveying my love of languages, but less so about learning vocabulary.  I need to consider whether I’ve achieved my goals in the context of each category, because the category dictates what a success consists of.

I’ve rewritten my calendar now, and I am more excited about it.  More excitement now indicates to me a higher likelihood that I’ll stick to my plan–and my language.